1) Definitely Wonder Girls

2) Big Bang

The rest don't really nid to put the photos..
3) Super Junior
4) BoA
5) 2pm
For now,these are my top 5...haha...lmao..One of my cousin recently told me to stop with my korean stuffs...Arghh...but I seriously is in the k-pops freaks rite now...Ack!! lazy to go training later..hopefully there's sparring..
I miss syiqin and our fights for Sun Mi...haha..I should choose whether i want So Hee or Sun Mi...but seriously,i like both of them...I should put photos of them rite now...lols

See!! they're cute rite !! lols..anybody here,can let me know when is their new album coming out in US?? I'm really have been waiting for that album !!
I'm so bored nowdays...I'' show u how bored am I..

Shocking way...lmao

Poof!! I've seen u in my eyes!!

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Someone's behind me..uninvited guest..haha
Ohrite,till here then..Nid to get rdy for training..So how's my 1st post?? boring rite..Hopefully I can keep on blogging bcos everyone told me to do so...lols...Bye!