Just went back from sch...here to update things..Yesterday I watched Wonderful Outing 2 Pretty Boy ..It was damn hilarious man!! I watched it all over again so many times..
Earghh...!! I miss Wondergirls bcos they're not in Korea and they can't go on variety shows...But they're really doing a great job in US...
OK,2nd in my rank list are Girls Generation rite..I loved all of them especially Yuri and Jessica,Yulsic couple!!! I've been watching Girls Generation on variety shows now and then,not forgetting Wondergirls too...
Today,I've found out that Jerald also listened to some k-pops..And he keep singing "Sorry sorry" from Suju...lols... And dellysda also!! She also know Gee from Girls Generation!! Why am I getting excited bcos of my friends know those songs?!! lols!! Syiqin,tomorrow don't forget to come my house tau!! You'll be laughing like hell for sure !!
Now,I'm replying my tags yeah..
Lia: Merepek OI!!! kental seyhh...u better watch out at night!! muahahaha!!
Syiqy: Ape ni zubaidah!! Tu nama don't exist seyh!!lols... My name is Tiffany luhh... Sedare kepada Tiffany and Co. And,jgn lupa cabut bulu ketiak kau..ketiak kau kan gatal..mana tau ada kutu kot...haha
Ez'zati: Banyak kau nyer support...Nenek kena support cucu ni luhh...!!
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